Opening for SALIF KEITA!
The Santa Monica Pier's booking agent, Rene Engel, has invited me and the band to open for the almighty SALIF KEITA on August 10. How amazing is that?! Years ago, while researching African music at London's Sound Archives, I stumbled across Salif's record, "Soro," and played it for eight weeks straight. After listening to countless hours of artists from the West or Africa seeking a musical bridge between the cultures that worked, this was It. A masterpiece.
The last time I saw Salif in concert, he put on a wonderful show was at UCLA's Royce Hall. I danced the whole time. At the end, his backing vocalists came across the stage and pointed into the audience, insisting that someone get up and solo for the last number. I looked behind me, wondering who they wanted, then looked back to realize that it was me! Dragging me up on stage, I ripped the knees off my pants, but dancing up there that night was a high I will never forget.
We will have about 40 minutes to put on the Best Show we have ever done. Can't wait!